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Cutting-edge Technology Since 1988


MFC, Liquid & Vapor Delivery

Gas / Liquid / Pressure Control

Fluid Control (Gas / Liquid)

Semiconductor Devices, Flat Panel Displays and Solar Cells are involved in an ever increasing part of our lives.

To manufacture these high tech devices it is important to have reliable and precise Fluid Control. HORIBASTEC is the established world leader in this area offering a full line up of Gas, Liquid and Vapor delivery products.

As semiconductor devices get faster and levels of integration increase, higher precision is required in device construction, and there are now a larger variety of liquid sources used in the semiconductor, FPD and PV manufacturing processes.

HORIBASTEC is the clear world leader in this area offering a full line up liquid flow control and liquid source vaporization and control systems. Different vaporizing methodologies are available for the different precursors , these include baking, direct injection and mixing to guarantee efficient and stable delivery of vapor to the point of use. Auto refill systems complete the line-up offering uninterrupted, safe and reliable delivery of liquid precursors increasing uptime and reducing operator handling and risk of process contamination.

The new types of mass flow controller, SEC-Z700 series and CRITERION D200 series exhibit high stability and control the gas flow without effect of upstream and downstream pressure fluctuations. They not only give a flow rate output but also the temperature and pressure readings. Control interface is by analog, RS-485 and DeviceNet™ communication. Suitable for the high performance, compact and weight saving of the gas line.


gas synopsis

We can also custom design and manufacture your gas panels, as well as more complex gas blending systems.

From the ROTAREX Equipment Group, over 6'500 metal gasket face seal or double-ring tube fittings, single & double stage pressure regulators and micrometering - needle - ball - toggle valves as well as 300 bar line valves.

  • Gas Flow

    Mass Flow Controllers

    View HORIBA Mass Flow Instruments web page and select the MFM / MFC best suited.


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  • Regulators-Fittings

    Valves, Regulators, Fittings

    View ROTAREX gas hardware page and select the product(s) best suited for your needs.


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  • Vaporizers

    Liquid and Vapor Delivery

    View HORIBA Liquid Vaporizers web page and select the instrument(s) best suited.


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