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+41 (0)21 802 54 90


Cutting-edge Technology Since 1988


Cryogenics- LHe / LN2

Low Temperature Physics

If hovering 'near' Absolute Zero is your 'chilly' dream, talk to us!

We have the instrumentation that can help you measure extreme cold temperatures, with high resolution to within 0.001 K, where sensor resolution permits.

And with our line of SI silicon diodes, you can hover fairly close to absolute zero, down to 1.5 K with a repeatability of 10mK @ 4.2 K. Also, do take a close look at the tiny Ruthenium Oxide Sensors. They offer excellent performance characteristics in magnetic field environments. These sensors do not exhibit magnetoresistance in fields up to 2 T over their range.

We also propose a complete family of cryogenic valves from Rotarex, three of which can be used down to 3.15 K (-270°C)


GM cryogenic synopsis


  • Cryogenic Temp Controller

    Temperature Controllers

    Single-channel, 2-channel and 4-channel instruments are available in the range. 


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  • silicon diode

    Cryo Temperature Sensors

    Silicon diodes, Ruthenium Oxide RTDs, Platinum Resistance Thermometer, Chromel/Gold™ T/C.


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  • cryogenic valves

    Cryogenic Valves

    A selection of 9 models is proposed for
    Ultra Cryogenic applications down to -270°C.


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The CryoLab - for low-temperature analysis of:
